Monday, December 28, 2009

Owen and Dee Plus 3

[Blogging...what's blogging?!]

Been awhile. A long long while since I've been in this little corner of the internet. Not that there's been a lack of things to blog about. There's been plenty. Plenty, I tell you. A lot of good things, a whole lot of funny things, and a few things that probably would have involved words that should never be used...not that I would have used them, but, well, I might have for a couple of things...

But, I can honestly say that, at the beginning of 2009, it seemed like 2010 was an eternity away. A couple of eternities away. Now it's upon us. As I look back at what was really and truly just a blink of an eye, I count my blessings that have come out of, what was, a year that began with sadness, anger, hurt, the end...a world of happiness.

My light at the end of the dark tunnel of divorce was my best friend growing up. My first crush. My high school sweetheart. My lifelong neighbor. My now husband, "Owen." The mile stretch of highway, woods, and creeks between our houses growing up has more history than the 8 years that have passed since we last saw each other.

I don't know how or why things in life happen or fall into place as they do. All I know is that I am so happy. Anna Bugs and Tripp are so happy. I am finally "home." Where I need to be. Where I grew up. Where we grew up. Where I can't wait to watch Anna and Tripp grow up and experience all the wonderful things Logan and I did as children.

On top of all the blessings already in our lives...we found out this past October that we will be adding an extra special little blessing to our family in June. A little girl. We are all thrilled! Couldn't have asked for a sweeter blessing to come at the end of what was a difficult year.

I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life. I'm thankful for the strength God gives me to pull through every difficult situation in my life. I am thankful for the sweetness at the end of every difficult situation when I endure with patience and faith. It's definitely not always easy, but it's worth it.

So, my New Year's resolution is to continue to update my little corner of the web now that I have time...which I'm sure I'll be lacking come June. But, there will be ton's of pics in June, I can promise that...when we welcome Cora Ryan K. to the family. She will carry on her Uncle Zac's middle name...and hopefully her Daddy's big brown eyes and his thick dark curly hair he had when he was little. We'll see. All I know is that we can't wait! AND: anyone with tips on surving 3 kids, please feel free to post any time...

I wish you all the best of 2010 and a safe and happy New Year this weekend!



Janet said...

YEAH for Blog updates!!!! Yeah for new babies and Happy Endings!! The family picture is beautiful and I can't wait to see next years Christmas picture with Sweet Miss Cora Ryan in attendance! ;) Wonderful blessings to your and your family for 2010!

Ashli said...

Love the blog!!! And so happy for your happy family!

Becky Shuler said...

Congratulations on your little girl! We are so happy for you and Logan. I'm so glad you moved back home and that we've become friends. And just think, our kids get to grow up together and be buddies too. Love ya and glad you made it through this past year. I love happy endings!

Janet Gunter said...

Wonderful!!! Must say life is great with 3 children! Enjoy every minute because they are fleeting! 2010 will be terriffic!!!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet Dee! From the looks and sounds of your blog, you and your family are right where you want to be. I'm very happy for you guys. Isn't it neat and wonderful how God works!? Wishing you all the best in 2010.

P.S.--Three's a breeze. It's just one more mouth to feed, one more butt to wipe, one more car seat to put in the get the picture. But if you can survive 2 rugrats, you can definitely survive 3!

~Heather Parramore

Anonymous said...

Missed your blogging! I always check to see if there is anything new. Have a wonderful and full new year girl!

Dee said...

Thanks guys for all the kind words :)

...and Heather...I SO hope you are right!!!