Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Meet the "Breadmans"

Meet Gin and Ger Breadman. Two little gingerbread peoples waiting patiently inside some pretty green Christmas packaging with their unbuilt house. Waiting for the day a little girl and a little boy would put thier lives together. Today was their day. Poor Breadmans. I'm afraid it's not at all the dream they anitcipated.

It all started out ok. Sorting out the candy. Laying out the pieces of the house along with Gin and Ger and their little cookie Christmas tree. Kneading the icing "glue." "Shooing" away little hands from the candy every few seconds. Everything was cool and under control...but that never lasts long in our house.

Unfortunately, somewhere in the midst of pre-construction, little hands...and mouths...found the chimney (chunk missing and supposedly in Tripps tummy)...

...along with the tree (top and bottom supposedly in Tripp AND Anna's tummy) and poor Gin. "It boke" Tripp says.

After a few minutes of applying "bandaid glue" Gin is all better...for now... :) Thank goodness she has CHP Insurance (Cookie Health Plan).

Though little hands can cause big trouble, they can also build a beautiful house :) Check out Gin and Ger's brand new house! Don't they look happy? Hopefully they won't notice that their roof is slowly coming apart at the seam. Actually, that's the least of thier worries right now...

After about 30 minutes of taking it all in, it was more than Gin could handle. At least she was able to enjoy their dream home for half an hour. You know, we can all learn something from the Breadmans:
1) It's better to wait patiently for things you desire because fretting about it ain't gonna get it to you any quicker. (yea, I said "ain't")
2 Life may bring bumps and bruises, but keep smiling through it all...Gin did. It's gonna hurt whether you pout or smile, so smile.
3. Icing may not be the best way to hold a house together, but it gives GREAT suger highs...especially when eaten out of the tube while drinking coffee. Between leftover icing and my coffee, I'm good to go ALL day for a couple of days :) (ok, that may not be a lesson learned from the Breadmans, but it was learned none-the-less)

...I really shouldn't even type this, but, looking at the anotomy of "boke" Gin makes me realize that maybe, just maybe, "Gin" should have been "Ger"...

Way to place the gumdrops Anna Bugs!!!


Anonymous said...

Look at you bein' all crafty! You really did good! It's so much more fun and so much more real to actually let the kids help- no matter the end result! I have not always been so good at that. I am impressed and the house is way cuter than the picture on the packaging!

Terah said...

that is hilarious!!! you guys did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Dee, you're the best mom & daughter ever! Don't know who gives Kacky more belly laughs, you or the kids. Maybe both. Oh the genetics live on! Scary thought huh?

Janet said...

I LOVE your blog!!!!! The gingerbread house is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

You are the best, Dee!!!!!!

Dee said...

Thanks guys! I have to give credit to the kids!

Anonymous said...

WOW. This looks like sooooo much fun! Great job! And I LOVE the cookie bandaide, cute!