...are not grasshoppers of which I'm deathly afraid of. They are nasty, rotten, microscopic stomach bugs that can take you down and out for a good 24 hours. Yep, one found it's way into our house this morning apparently looking for revenge on someone in our family. Not cool. VERY not cool.
Apparently it has cleaned out more than my stomach contents. It's obivisouly eating on my brain as well. As the phone rang this afternoon, Anna made her mad dash to the bathroom screaming "hurry Mommy!!" the entire way. Then Tripp grabed his diaper and informed me he was poopy. Great. All of this while Tahra circles the living room looking for a place to pee since I've been strapped to the bathroom most the day and not taken her outside like I should. So, what do I do? I focus as much as I can and try to prioritize the tasks at hand...carry on the conversation with Dad, put Tahra in the kennel while I change Tripp, wipe Anna, then take Tarha outside. Easy enough, right?
...WRONG! As I'm carrying Tahra to the changing table, I realize I have grabbed Tripp and put him in...latch and all...the dog's kennel. All while Anna is screaming "Mommy, COME WIPE MEEEEE!!!" No wonder my kids don't listen to or respect thier mother. They think I'm a complete idiot. But, today, I am...and for a good reason...
...a nasty, rotten, HATEFUL stomach bug.
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1 comment:
Dee, you crack me up! I hope you get well soon!!!
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