Tuesday, December 6, 2011

A Ronarina...

...all grown up...

Everytime I see her, I wonder what Zac would say about her. About her personality. About her squeaky little voice...who I swear sounds like the mice on Cinderella. I wonder what on this good-green-earth he would say about that ORANGE curly hair. Not red. Orange. Most of all, I wonder just how precious the relationship would have been between these two. I know it would have been more than special. I know he would have loved her with all his heart. All his soul.

I know, without a doubt, he does love her. I know he watches his little girl grow each day. And though we can't watch their relationship here, I know that somewhere deep inside, Rosalina knows her daddy.

One thing I know for a certainty is that this little orange-head's hair is fire orange for a reason...all I'll say is you BETTER not mess with her...

Love you Ronarina! You are still...and will always be...Aunt Dee's pudge muffin.

1 comment:

Femling said...

REALLY nice pictures !