Monday, August 10, 2009

[the downside]

The goodside to this mess of surgery I had last week: breathing. The downside: removing two crusted splints from up-inside of my nostrils. I think I would be less scared if I knew I was going to be thrown into a pit full of flying grass-hoppers. Well, maybe not quite that scared...but close.

Today I go back to the ENT to get my nose splints removed. It's the most uncomfortable mess I've ever had to deal with. Imagine your two "picking" fingers shoved up your nose for 6 days. Permanently stuck there. Yea, that's how it feels. That's how I sound when I talk. Like I have my nostrils filled with two fingers. Very much how Tripp likes to walk around these days.

I should be thrilled that Dr. Robert's is taking them out. My fear is this...

...doc pulls out splints...
...I see splints and all that is caked on them from 6 days worth of living in "that environment"...
...I pass out on floor, face first, nose first...
...I wake up in recovery room tonight from revision surgery from screwing up my nose from the first surgery...

All of you that read the blog should now...this is a VERY GOOD possibility. My luck combined with my weak stomach at the moment = increased possibility of unfortunate circumstances.

3:30 pm.

Dr. Roberts.

Good luck Dee.

*on a side note, I've had an AMAZING nurse+babysitter+pet-sitter+house keeper+chofer+chef+hot-chocolate-maker+best friend in the WHOLE WORLD...I'm the luckiest girl in the world... :)

...funny part is I always have been, just never quite realized it till now...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this 100% :on a side note, I've had an AMAZING nurse+babysitter+pet-sitter+house keeper+chofer+chef+hot-chocolate-maker+best friend in the WHOLE WORLD...I'm the luckiest girl in the world... :)

...funny part is I always have been, just never quite realized it till now... and I'm really glad that you've realized that... Love you sis...

Anonymous said...

I knew that you would realize that sooner then later... Love ya sis.(I've had an AMAZING nurse+babysitter+pet-sitter+house keeper+chofer+chef+hot-chocolate-maker+best friend in the WHOLE WORLD...I'm the luckiest girl in the world... :)

...funny part is I always have been, just never quite realized it till now...)