(explanation at bottom)
Hola! Been MIA for a little over a week. I have no shame, as some of you know...and some of you would have rather not found out in ways you did :)...so I'll let you know where I've been and what's going on.
A little history...Tripp killed my nice abs and tummy. Plain and simple. Gone. Nada. Flabby. Gross. Not what you would expect on a physically fit 26 year old. Yea, it was bad. He actually separated my abdominal muscles to the point that the only way they would ever be back together again was to surgically stitch them back together. Thanks Tripp.
So, last Monday, I treated myself (doctor recommended, mind you) to a nice little nip-and-tummy tuck :) Once again, I have no shame of announcing it as I am super-duper excited to have my nice mid-section back :) Hoo-ahhh! Take THAT Tripp! :) He was, however, worth every second of muffin top I endured for almost 2 years.
SO, for those of you still reading...bless you...here's the explanation for the above pic:
This has been "me" for the past, well, over a week. My everyday/every night view from the recliner that my husband bought during my surgery. Yes, as in left me on an operating table to go buy furniture. Glad there were no "complications," right??? However, it has been a lifesaver, so...THANKS JA!
Also, thanks JA for the lovely multicolored boxers that I've stolen for the last week to go over my lovely top-to-thigh girdle that is interfering with breathing. I've been instructed to wear it 24/7 for 4 weeks. Riiiiggghhhhttt!!! Okaaayyy Doc!!!! :) I guess the lace garnishing the bottom of the girdle at my thighs adds a nice touch coming from underneath the boxers. Oh, and the ankle socks top off the outfit to make me irresistable. Super sexy.
Can you help but notice Anna Lynn dragging Tripp across the living room floor. If you didn't, just thought I'd throw that one in there for good measure. Yea, I'm speechless for that one.
Finally, yes, I am a dork. MAJOR dork. And if you are questioning "whether" or not that was the Weather Channel on the television, you are a dork with me :) Yes, it indeed is. For you to notice is for you to know. Can't explain it, but it's an obsession.
SO, this is where I've been over the last week. Slowly...very slowly...but surely on the road to recovery and back in business. And a big JOB VERY WELL DONE to Dr. Ben Kirbo for the awesome work he did and amazing staff that is Southeastern Plastic Surgery. Highly HIGHLY recommened :)
Booking fast now. Fall sessions and wedding bookings coming in full speed ahead. Limited availability, so if you want a spot secured for fall/Christmas pics, call the boss, Ash! She'll take care of ya ;)
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