Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Awww Man! Please Read...

Well, as much as I don't want to post this, my sanity is making me. I am booked for the rest of Novemeber. I will be taking December off to re-group...mentally, physically (man, do I EVER need to catch up on sleep!!!), and business-wise. My photography extravaganza has taken off WAY faster than I ever dreamed it would, and I would like to thank each one of you who have given me the opportunity to take pics of you and your families and to those of you who have "spread the word." I haven't had to do any advertising thanks to you guys! It has been quite an exciting...exhausting at times...but awsome ride and I hope it will continue through this upcoming year.

So, if you or anyone you know would like to schedule a session, the next available date will begin Jan. 1, 2008. Do not hesitate to contact me now or sometime soon, as dates fill up quickly. If you ABSOLUTELY HAVE to have pics before then, it can possibly be arranged for sometime mid December. However, I do not plan on booking anymore than one December session.

It's time for me to kick back for a few weeks, relax, and enjoy my 3 "crazies" that keep me grounded in life. JA, you've been an amazing source of support (and funds!!) in this new venture and in life in general. Couldn't do this without you. Troops and Anna Bugs, you guys keep me laughing even when I'm about to toss this computer out of the window...although there are days I'd like to toss you guys out along with it :) My family is amazing and I thank God every day for them.

One more thing...I'm excited to "debut" my new website at the beginning of the year!!! Bigger, better, more features...I'm so excited to get it up and running!!! There will be an online calendar for you guys to check out available session dates as well as an online proofing section and a shopping cart for you to order from. It will make your experience...and my life :)...much easier. Be on the lookout for it!!! I will continue to post pics of sessions from November, so keep checking the blog and spreading the word! Thanks guys!


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